First build - 0.9!
This is an early stage release of a game made for a University course. 0.9 is the point we were able to get it to for the sake of the assessment, and we're hoping to finish the features, add a few more things, and work on some bugs in the future. While it is a pretty simple game, the purpose of our assessment was to do a bit of research on a topic relevant to game design or the games industry, and design/develop a specifically informed game stemming from the research we did. Our choice was to look at accessibility in game design, specifically around sensory-impacting disabilities, and we decided to make a game where the features are a representation of the issues that can come up in games with this kind of thing. To describe it differently, it's made as an interactive experience, and while it generally functions as a game, some elements may make this game difficult or off putting for some people to play. In the future, we're hoping to include a sensory-friendly mode, somethings that focuses a little more on the gameplay potential and does what it can to be accessible and enjoyable.
Known issues/incomplete sections:
- The game doesn't say that you win, when you do. You just have to be happy in knowing it yourself
- There's nothing in the Settings menu yet
- The pause button doesn't do anything. This is partially a feature but also there's supposed to be something there
- Sand timer isn't animating for some reason - Sometimes it's possible to get items stuck if you move them in a weird way while clicking in a certain way.
- Combo bar is just permanently at 2x- it's mainly there as visual noise rather than to serve a function, but eventually it will at least reflect the current game-play.
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